Get Out Of Your Day Job – Part Two

Get Out Of Your Day Job – Part Two

15 Key Learnings For The Journey In Part One of this presentation, I showed you all the different options and models available to you. Now you know what your options are, which is a much better place then I was in when I first got started, I’ve got fifteen...
Get Out Of Your Day Job – Part One

Get Out Of Your Day Job – Part One

How To Get Out Of Your Day Job & Create The Lifestyle You Want & Deserve… Every morning when I wake up early, around 5.30am, I make myself a coffee, check my ‘go-to’ apps (weather, wind and swell) and plan my day around those. If the surf...
Funny Crazy Products From the US That You Must See

Funny Crazy Products From the US That You Must See

I travel all over the world both on business and with my family as tourists. Even when on holidays as an Entrepreneur it’s very hard to turn off the ‘business and marketing’ mind once its started. On a recent trip to California with my wife Jules and the Kids I took...